HtmlToText homepage blogs profils chat apps music sources videos gifts log in create your blog search blog profile criao periquitos ondulados standard ingles ruiteixeiraperiquitos description: este blog tem como finalidade tentar ajudar todos aqueles que se queiram iniciar neste hobby. a minha inteno no ser escrever grandes artigos, pois esses j existem em muitos outros locais que podem consultar. o que pretendo responder a todo o tipo de problemas com que possam deparar-se, desde a escolha do plantel, alimentao, criao, manuteno e preparao para exposies, at atingir o patamar de campeo. espero que gostem e que possam tirar o maior proveito da minha experincia, no deixando nunca de colocar qualquer tipo de questo, sempre que encontrem dificuldades no seio do vosso plantel - rui teixeira. this blog aims to try to help all of those who want to take this hobby. my intention is not to write great articles, because these are already written for anyone to read in many other places. what i want is to respond to all kinds of problems you may face, from the choice of squad, feeding, breeding, maintenance and preparation for exhibitions to reach the status of champion. i hope you enjoy and can make the most out of my experience, never hesitating to ask any kind of question, whenever you face difficulties within your squad - rui teixeira . send a message give a gift follow block choose this background awards (12) » more profile ruiteixeiraperiquitos 58 yo vila nova de gaia portugal share tweet friends 0 design by the-skyrock-team choose this background report abuse info created: 25/05/2009 at 2:29 pm updated: 08/10/2016 at 7:56 pm 25,833 visits 25 visits this month 196 articles 119 comments 49 friends 52 favourites 59 hearts my archives (196) » more their fans (63) » more sources (52) » more soundtrack of my life play rihanna please don't stop the music (good girl gone bad) add subscribe to my blog! (1 subscriber) rss esclarecimento em virtude da skyrock ter deixado de traduzir para portugus, agradeo que qualquer questo que me queiram colocar seja enviada para o meu email pessoal: since skyrock have ceased translating into portuguese, i'd appreciate it if you could send any question you'd like to ask me to my personal email: 2 | 0 | share comment comment don't forget that insults, racism, etc. are forbidden by skyrock's 'general terms of use' and that you can be identified by your ip address ( if someone makes a complaint. log in # posted on monday, 15 october 2012 at 1:16 pm edited on sunday, 14 april 2013 at 6:58 pm 1 mundial wbo - forli - italia 2013 0 | 1 | 0 | share comment comment don't forget that insults, racism, etc. are forbidden by skyrock's 'general terms of use' and that you can be identified by your ip address ( if someone makes a complaint. log in # posted on tuesday, 11 march 2014 at 7:41 pm tricampeo mundial 2012 (almera-espanha) tricampeo mundial, vice-campeo mundial e duas medalhas de bronze - total 6 medalhas. em cento e setenta participantes portugueses, o avirio 190/a foi o quarto mais medalhado. triple world champion, vice world champion and two bronze medals - total 6 medals out of a hundred and seventy portuguese participants, the aviary 190 / a was the most medalled. 6 | 5 | 0 | share comment comment don't forget that insults, racism, etc. are forbidden by skyrock's 'general terms of use' and that you can be identified by your ip address ( if someone makes a complaint. log in # posted on tuesday, 07 february 2012 at 12:35 pm edited on sunday, 14 april 2013 at 7:07 pm campeo do mundo (primeira medalha de ouro para portugal, em periquitos standard ingls) 5 | 8 | 0 | share comment comment don't forget that insults, racism, etc. are forbidden by skyrock's 'general terms of use' and that you can be identified by your ip address ( if someone makes a complaint. log in # posted on tuesday, 12 april 2011 at 6:41 am edited on friday, 08 july 2011 at 2:28 pm the official wbo - pictorial ideal 3 | 8 | 0 | share comment comment don't forget that insults, racism, etc. are forbidden by skyrock's 'general terms of use' and that you can be identified by your ip address ( if someone makes a complaint. log in # posted on friday, 29 may 2009 at 7:21 am edited on thursday, 04 june 2009 at 2:32 pm passado, presente e futuro/past, present and future crio e exponho h cerca de trinta anos, tanto a nvel nacional como internacional, tendo sido campeo nacional algumas dezenas de vezes e conquistado mais de meio milhar de trofus, incluindo o mais importante at data, isto , o de vice-campeo do mundo, na alemanha, em 2005, tornando-me no primeiro criador de periquitos portugus medalhado num mundial. normalmente criava com vinte casais que reproduziam entre 80 a 120 filhotes. terminado o perodo de criao, selecionava os melhores para exposies e reproduo no ano seguinte. adquiri, sempre que me foi possvel, aves provenientes dos melhores criadores mundiais para assim poder evoluir o mais rapidamente possvel. em 2008, devido a ter mudado de casa, tive que me desfazer praticamente de todo o plantel. fiquei apenas com uma dzia de aves, sempre na esperana de conseguir novas instalaes e voltar a criar. por isso, tambm estou a contar com os meus amigos a quem cedi os passarinhos para poder, mais tarde, adquirir algumas aves descendentes desse meu plantel que j apresentava alguma qualidade. presentemente, e porque adoro estar em contacto com os periquitos, propus ao dr. lus andrade, a quem cedi na altura vinte casais e que estava a iniciar-se sem experincia na criao desta ave, que lhe daria todo o apoio necessrio na manuteno e criao do seu plantel. mesmo tendo os pssaros mudado de ambiente e ter iniciado mais tarde a reproduo, j separei 50 filhotes. tentarei, dentro da minha disponibilidade, atualizar este espao com fotos de pssaros criados por mim, evidenciando a sua qualidade j apresentada. tentarei explicar as suas caractersticas e historial em competio. nota: este blog ser sempre atualizado com os novos artigos nas pginas finais. a ideia que, quando for visitado pela primeira vez, o visitante possa consultar os artigos, fotos etc. desde o primeiro dia em que foi criado, at ltima atualizao, percebendo melhor a evoluo do mesmo. i've been breeding and displaying parakeets in exhibitions for about thirty years, both at national and international level and i was national champion a few dozen times winning more than five hundred trophies, including the most important one to date (vice-world champion, germany 2005), becoming the first portuguese budgerigar breeder medal in a world championship. i used to breed twenty couples who hatched from 80 to 120 budgies. when the breeding season ended, i selected the best for exhibitions and to breeding following year. i acquired, whenever i could, birds from the best breeders in the world so i could evolve as quickly as possible. in 2008, because i had to move to another house, i had to discard almost the whole squad. i only kept a dozen, always hoping for new facilities which would allow me to start breeding again. i am also counting on the friends to whom i gave the birds, so that i can later acquire some descendants of my squad that already had some quality. at the moment, and because i love being in contact with budgerigars, i offered to help dr. lus andrade, to whom i gave about twenty couples and all the support he needed in the maintenance and creation of his squad. despite of being in a new environment, the birds still bred, although later than supposes, and i managed to separate 50 budgies. i will try, within my availability, to update this space with pictures of quality birds bred by me. i will try to explain their features and history in the competition. note: this blog will always be updated with the newest articles in the final pages. the idea is that, when visited for the first time, visitors can vi